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The new UN Secretary General has called his main task
12:30, 15.10.2016 |
6414 | 0

he new UN Secretary General has called his main task
Guterres said that his priority for this post will be the end of the military conflict in Syria
According to the future Secretary General, the world now is experiencing a dangerous time, this also applies to those countries that are far away from conflict zones and terrorist activity.
Elected the new UN Secretary General, antónio Guterres, said that his priority for this post will be the end of the military conflict in Syria.
He told about it in interview of Bi-Bi-si.
“I think that the main priority for the international community – to be able to end this conflict,” said Guterres.
According to the future Secretary General, the world now is experiencing a dangerous time, this also applies to those countries that are far away from conflict zones and terrorist activity.
Guterres noted that world leaders are very interested in ending hostilities in Syria, and in settling disagreements on the subject. In his opinion, the Syrians were the victims of not only their problems but also a world of contradictions and disputes.
Former Prime Minister of Portugal, Guterres will officially take the position of head of the UN from 1 January 2017 when the mandate of current Secretary General ban Ki-moon.
67-year-old Guterres served as Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002. In 2005, he was appointed to the post of the UN high Commissioner for refugees and held it until the year 2015. In the position of high Commissioner Guterres urged the governments of the most developed and richest countries in the world to allocate more funds and resources to help the victims in conflicts and natural disasters.
As coolmos, October 13, the UN General Assembly approved the candidacy of the following Guterres, Secretary General of the organization.

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