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Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande will hold the «channel meeting» on October 19 in Berlin. Media: Putin will also be
11:50, 19.10.2016 |
5759 | 0

During a telephone conversation of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel , the sides discussed the situation in the Donbass and agreed to hold a meeting of heads of state in the Normandy format on Wednesday in Berlin.

«The two sides agreed to hold the 19th of October in Berlin the meeting of heads of state in the Normandy format to urge Russia to implement the Minsk agreements in terms of politics of security», — stated in the message published on Tuesday, October 18, on the website of the Ukrainian President.

The information States that the two sides discussed the security situation in the Donbas.

«The President of Ukraine stressed the importance of a common position of Ukraine and countries of the European Union on the eve of the European Council summit, which will take place on October 20-21, 2016 in Brussels, where will be discussed the strategy of relations with Russia», — said the press service of the Ukrainian President.

Asked about expectations from the meeting in the Normandy format, the President said: «I’m optimistic about coordination with the European Union. Unfortunately, no one knows what’s in the mind of Putin«.

Poroshenko held a telephone conversation in a trilateral format, while on an official visit in Norway.

As reported by Deutsche Welle with reference to the statement of the representative of the government of Germany Steffen Seibert, the German government confirmed the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the «channel meeting».

The leaders of Germany, Ukraine, France and Russia will discuss further steps in the implementation of the Minsk peace process.

The last meeting in the «Normandy format», at which the leaders of the four countries discussed peaceful settlement of situation in Donbas took place over a year ago.

Recall that Merkel has invited the presidents of Ukraine, Russia and France for dinner, but the parties have not agreed on the meeting in the «Norman format.» In particular, Hollande and Merkel in conversation with Putin has failed to approve it.

A source in the Ukrainian diplomatic circles said that Ukraine did not give consent to participate in the summit «channel four», «while there is no agreed road map that will involve the performance security conditions of Minsk Russia».

Later, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that Putin canceled a visit to Paris, 19 Oct. However, on 15 September, the Kremlin said that the meeting in Normandy format at the highest level can take place only when there are «real questions» for discussion.

In turn, the first Deputy head of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s representative in the Trilateral contact group Irina Gerashchenko noted that Putin does not want to meet in the «channel format», because it does not intend to withdraw troops from the Donbass.

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