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Translator working for French TV allegedly raped by Afghan migrant in Calais camp
12:30, 19.10.2016 |
17242 | 1

A Pashto translator working for a French TV journalist has allegedly been raped "by a migrant" on the outskirts of Calais' notorious refugee and migrant camp, the 'Jungle'.

Thousands of migrants, some fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, have gathered in their thousands on the French coast near the port of Calais in hope of making their way to the UK by sneaking on to lorries, hopping on trains and even walking through the Channel Tunnel.

A 38-year-old translator in Pashto – a language spoken in Afghanistan – was allegedly raped during the night from Monday (17 October) to Tuesday (18 October) on the outskirts of the Jungle as she was working alongside a French journalist for France 5 TV, according to the public prosecutor of Boulogne-sur-Mer.

Attacked by 'a priori three Afghans'

The victim, originally from Afghanistan, said she was raped after she and the 42-year-old TV reporter she was working with were attacked by "a priori three Afghans" between 02:00 and 03:00 local time (01:00 and 02:00 BST), the public prosecutor office quoted the victims as saying. According to their testimony, the attackers had initially tried to steal their equipment.

One of the three individuals then allegedly forced the translator to have a sexual relation with him under the threat of a knife, while the other two remained at distance holding the TV journalist also with a knife.

When they were let go, the journalist and his interpreter went to the police station in Calais. The victim is being taken care of by Calais' Central Hospital (CHR).

Described as an "experienced team", the pair had been working for a few months on an investigation on the fate of the unaccompanied children living in the camp, a spokesman for France 5 TV was reported as saying.

The three alleged attackers are still being sought. An investigation has been opened by the local branch of the judicial police (PJ), the AFP reported.

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