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Merkel and Hollande did not rule out the possibility of discussing sanctions against Russia at the EU summit
10:00, 20.10.2016 |
6193 | 0

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that does not preclude the discussion of anti-Russian sanctions at the upcoming European Union summit, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”.
“We cannot exclude this possibility”, – she said in the night of Thursday during a joint press conference with French President Francois Hollande in Berlin after a meeting of heads of States in the Normandy format and the subsequent tripartite negotiations (Germany, France, Russia) on the situation in Syria.
The Chancellor noted that the trilateral talks between the leaders of Russia, Germany and France on Syria “was hard and difficult”. At this A. Merkel has expressed opinion that considers it unlikely progress in establishing the cessation of hostilities in Syria in the near future.
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The German Chancellor also described the inhuman bombing of Aleppo from Moscow and Damascus: “It is a cruel blow to the people of Aleppo, and we are confident that there is no way to separate the terrorists and the civilian population, when carried out such bombing.”
Merkel said that in order to establish the delivery of humanitarian aid in Aleppo needs a truce, and added that “this will work, the Ministers of foreign Affairs”.
Also the German Chancellor said that Russia should exert pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, “to ensure the safety of the civilian population” in Aleppo and blamed the beginning of the process of political settlement in Syria. “We definitely stressed that Russia has a significant share of responsibility for the initiation of a political process in Syria,” she said, stressing that Russia needs to take action on issues such as humanitarian access and the organization of a political settlement.
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In turn, speaking about the possibility of discussing the issue of sanctions against Russia, Hollande said that “should be considered all possibilities.” “Everything that can be perceived (Russia) as a threat, it may be useful”, – he stressed.
The French President said that he considers what is happening now in the Syrian Aleppo as “a real war crime” and stressed that it is first necessary to “stop the bombing of Aleppo by the Syrian regime” and Russian aviation. “Of course, in Aleppo there are terrorists… but the question about the bombing can not go”, – said Hollande, is again calling for finding a political solution to the conflict in Syria.
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He stressed that international pressure on the Syrian regime and those who support it, will continue. “We with Vladimir Putin today discussed these issues. We need to have as large as a huge pressure, because only thus can we come to the beginning of the decision that may be taken at the meeting, which could take place in the coming days,” said Hollande.
Speaking about the introduction of Russian “humanitarian pause” in Aleppo for a few hours, Hollande stressed that the official Paris considers such actions is meaningless: “We do not believe that will happen in the coming days. This truce may not last just a few hours, since in this case it does not make sense”.
According to him, at present in Aleppo, it is necessary to create conditions for delivery of humanitarian aid and to “a certain part of the groups were able to leave this city.” The French President stressed that “the ceasefire is only a first timid step in this direction, and it is necessary to make a number of steps to get on the right path.”

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