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Surfing Couple Making Waves By Performing Impressive Tricks on a Single Board Like Earthables on Facebook
22:10, 20.10.2016 |
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Gabriella Cardosa and Eduardo Lima are a surfing couple from Brazil that have been gaining an increasingly large following on social media, thanks to their images and videos that reveal some of the astounding acrobatic poses they strike - all on a single surf board.

Surfing isn't all that easy as it is, but this couple not only takes it to a whole new level, they manage to make it look simple.

The couple created an Instagram account known as Tandem Surf Brasil, to document their acrobatic adventures in the water.

Tandem surfing is a Hawaiian sport in which two people share a surfboard to perform impressive tricks and stunts. As you might imagine, it requires an incredible amount of skill, athleticism, and commitment.

"Sharing your surfboard with another person is magical,” Gabriella wrote on Instagram. "You have to be in complete harmony.”

She's also noted that in order to master each move, they're required to help each other and constantly communicate. That results in a better technique, stronger bond, and "romance among four elements; a board, a ban, a woman, and a wave."

“We need to have perfect movements to help one another. It’s a really fun sport that brings us even closer together," she added.

“We want to gain new fans and, maybe one day, host a competition."

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