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Zuhair Murad Fall 2017 Bridal Collection
12:10, 20.10.2016 |
31615 | 0

Filled with dreamlike princess gowns, the newest Zuhair Murad fall 2017 bridal collection is one of Murad’s most elaborate lineups, with cascades of gemstones and crystals enhancing each one of the silhouettes.

To capture his Zuhair Murad fall 2017 bridal collection in its entirety, the fashion designer asked Leticia Guedes to model the lineup’s lookbook, which got captured by Canadian-Lebanese photographer Rabee Younes. Zuhair Murad often enlists Younes as his lookbooks’ photographer, and just by looking at this specific bridal lookbook, it is not that hard to understand why.

Both Guedes and Younes worked together to perfectly recreate the Zuhair Murad fall 2017 bridal collection’s theme, which was the idea of finding simplicity “despite the intricacy of the work”.

Although almost all of the proposals feature exquisitely beaded fabrics, rich floral embroideries and oversized ruffles aplenty, each of the staples couldn’t be described as too extravagant or flamboyant, as Murad’s simplicity lies within the figures, regardless of the adornments used.

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