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In Turkey, arrested the relatives of Gulen
10:13, 24.10.2016 |
5459 | 0

In Turkey, arrested the relatives of Gulen
Authorities are investigated with the involvement of the nephews of the preacher to the coup
Turkish authorities detained Sunday a nephew and niece of the Islamic preacher, a Turkish opposition leader Fethullah Gulen, who is suspected of organizing a coup attempt in Turkey. About this newspaper Hürriyet.
Hussein Bushra Gulen and Gulen, was detained in Izmir on suspicion of involvement in the activities of the Gulen – FETO, as well as for using Bylock, which encrypts all transmitted data. This program, according to Turkish intelligence, used most of the putschists during the coup attempt on the night of 16 July.
Earlier, the Turkish authorities detained his niece Emine and three nephews broadcaster and lawyer Kemal gülen, Adbullah of Korogocho and Mohammed Sait Gulen.
Gulen himself lives in self-imposed exile in the United States for many years.

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