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Meeting with the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs
20:25, 24.10.2016 |
13788 | 0
On 24 October Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan received OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs Igor Popov (Russian Federation), Pierre Andrieu (France), James Warlick (USA), personal representative of the OSCE chairman-in-office, Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk and accompanying them officials.
Issues related to the Azerbaijani-Karabagh conflict settlement and recent developments were discussed during the meeting.
President Sahakyan noted that Azerbaijan kept maintaining its unconstructive stance violating the ceasefire regime and continue to pursue anti-Armenian policy.
The Head of the State highlighted the necessity of elaborating the mechanisms of maintaining ceasefire regime and revealing violations considering it among pivotal components of the peace process.
President Sahakyan expressed gratitude to retired co-chairman Pierre Andrieu for honest and efficient work wishing him successes in life and future career.
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14:00, 27.10.2016
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