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What time does direct deposit hit on cash app?
15:12, 04.01.2024
450 | 0

The timing of when a cash app direct deposit hits can vary depending on several factors, such as the policies of the financial institution receiving the deposit and the sender of the direct deposit. However, in general, direct deposits are typically available in the recipient's account on the same day that the deposit is made.

For example, if an employer sends a direct deposit to an employee's bank account on a Friday, the funds may be available in the employee's account on that same day or on the following business day, which is typically Monday. However, some financial institutions may make direct deposits available earlier, such as on Saturdays or even the day before the scheduled deposit.

It's important to check with your financial institution or the sender of the direct deposit to confirm their policies and the specific timing for your deposit.

The article published in the Spokesperson project.
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Jenshi Smith
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