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DailyMail: Is this the most beautiful girl in the world?
17:20, 06.12.2017 |
25089 | 0

A six-year-old from Russia has been hailed the 'most beautiful girl in the world' - following in the footsteps of French model Thylane Blondeau.
Anastasia Knyazeva has already amassed a legion of fans online, who have been wowed by her doll-like features and striking blue eyes.

The youngster is a successful child model, having starred in a number of campaigns including for Russian brand Chobi Kids.
It comes after Thylane, now 16, was famously named the world's most beautiful girl at the age of six - and became the youngest model to star in French Vogue.

DailyMail: Is this the most beautiful girl in the world?
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