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Theresa May to resign as UK Prime Minister
13:55, 24.05.2019 |
9077 | 0

Theresa May fought back tears as she announced she was standing down as prime minister after just under three years in power.

In an emotionally-charged statement on the steps of 10 Downing Street, Ms May said she will resign as Conservative leader on June 7, but will remain as prime minister until her successor is chosen.

Watched by husband Philiip, Ms May's voice cracked as she said it had been "the honour of my life" to serve as PM and she felt "enormous and enduring gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country I love".

The dramatic announcement came after the chair of the Tories' backbench 1922 Committee, Sir Graham Brady, met her in Downing Street to demand a timetable for her departure.

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