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In Germany, The Shorts From Rapists Beat The Record For Sales In The World : Vladim
02:25, 09.02.2018 |
65112 | 0

In Germany, the fashion designer Sandra Seilz made shorts for women that can protect them from the abuser. At the moment, an unusual piece of clothing has already broken several sales records.

Unusual shorts consist of three components: heavy-duty material is resistant from cuts, belt around the waist with a digital lock, and rings the security alarm that begins to play immediately after first opening of the ring.

The first batch of goods was not very large and rasprodala with record speed. Sandra Seilz at the moment, plans to increase production and to move its brand in India to reduce the price of the next batch of clothes.
Note that Sandra Seilz feat on the issue of “safe short” case, she was assaulted by three men, who were frightened off by passers-by.

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