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The United States put forward an ultimatum to Europe in the “trade war”
12:25, 29.04.2018 |
10950 | 1

In Europe, worried about the “trade war” in which Washington has put forward the EU’s requirement to accept quotas for the export of metals in the United States, writes Bloomberg . Merkel vs. Trump. Germany and asks for a favor, and threatens
The administration of Donald Trump insists that Canada and the countries of Europe agree on quotas in exchange for a temporary exemption from tariffs for steel and aluminum, which will be introduced from May 1.
“We ask everyone to agree, if not to tariffs, then to quotas,” said US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross.
Thus, the European Union faces a choice: either to cede the United States, or face new “penalty” tariffs, notes Bloomberg. Preparations: Beijing will rigidly respond to the US-declared trade war
“Trading war is a defeat for everyone.” When thinking about retaliatory actions, one must keep composure, but the main principle is that there will be no winners in the trade war, therefore we will try to avoid it at any cost, “Blohberg quotes Belgian Finance Minister Johan Van Overtweldt .
The US demand to reduce the export of steel and aluminum to 90% of the level of the previous two years in Europe is considered unacceptable, a source in the EU told the agency.
The US at the end of March introduced duties on imports of steel and aluminum in the amount of 25% and 10% respectively. At the same time, the White House suspended these tariffs for a number of countries until May 1.

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