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Trump: I could make a ‘real deal’ with Iran
11:00, 25.07.2018 |
12445 | 0

US President Donald Trump seemed to backpedal a bit on Tuesday when he suggested in a speech that his administration could make a ‘real deal’ with Iran.

After being involved in a war of words and slamming 'mafia-like' Iran, Mr Trump suggested that the US could find common ground with the Islamic Republic.

On Sunday, Mr Trump had warned Iran President Hassan Rouhani against threatening the US again.“Iran is not the same country anymore, that I can say,” Mr Trump said while addressing the VFW National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. “And we’ll see what happens, but we’re ready to make a real deal, not the deal that was done by the previous administration which was a disaster.”

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10:30, 22.08.2018
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