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Donald Trump is reportedly prepared to strike Iran
12:10, 27.07.2018 |
13040 | 0

The United States is reportedly prepared to bomb Iran’s nuclear capability as early as next month — and Australia will have a role to play.

According to senior figures in the Turnbull Government, the US is almost ready to pull the trigger on sites related to Iran’s nuclear program, in a move that would no doubt impact the wider region.

The unnamed sources told the ABC that Australian defence facilities would likely help identify targets in Iran, as would British intelligence agencies.

Pine Gap, the top-secret spy base in the Northern Territory, is considered crucial for its role in directing American spy satellites.

Sources said Australian agencies could potentially help isolate targets as part of our ongoing Five Eyes intelligence pact with the US, the UK, Canada and New Zealand — although they noted Canada and New Zealand would be unlikely to play a military role in the conflict.

Australia has separated itself from rising tensions between the US and Iran, instead urging the Middle Eastern giant to take a peaceful role in the region.

“Australia is urging Iran to be a force for peace and stability in the region,” Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told ABC radio yesterday.

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