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By2030, nearly half of all U.S. adults will be obese, experts predict
03:05, 04.01.2020 |
19769 | 0

A tidal wave of fat, and the ailments that come with it, now appears virtually inevitable in the United States.

New research finds that by 2030, nearly half of American adults — 49.2% to be exact — will be obese. In every single state, no fewer than 35% of adults will have a body mass index of at least 30, the threshold that defines obesity.

New year’s resolutions aside, this is not about whether you’ll fit into your skinny jeans a decade from now. Body mass index, a measure of fatness based on a person’s height and weight, has its limitations as a predictor of personal health. But in large populations where rates of obesity are higher, people tend to be sicker, live shorter lives, and incur steeper healthcare expenses.

And that means the new study results are a harbinger of pretty poor American health.

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