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Hubei's virus-hit county to add another hospital for COVID-19 patients
16:10, 13.02.2020 |
8501 | 0

Xishui, one of the hardest-hit counties in central China's Hubei Province amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, has planned to rebuild a hospital in seven days.

According to the health commission of Huanggang, which administers Xishui, the city reported 2,662 confirmed cases COVID-19 as of Tuesday, including about 300 in Xishui.

The county's virus control and prevention headquarters said it will rebuild the new maternity and childcare hospital, which is under construction, into a temporary designated hospital for COVID-19 patients. An estimated 200 hospital beds will be put into operation within one week.

The rebuilding has begun since Tuesday, with numerous excavators and forklifts as well as nearly 100 workers working around the clock.

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