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Erick Morillo found dead in Miami Beach. DJ was 49
22:25, 02.09.2020 |
14957 | 0

Erick Morillo, the house DJ arrested in Miami last month on suspicion of raping a fellow DJ, has died.

The Miami Beach Police Department is investigating Morillo's death, which TMZ reported earlier this afternoon. Police spokesperson Ernesto Rodriguez says the department got a 911 call today at 10:42 a.m. to Morillo's home on La Gorce Drive. Details about the death have not been released.

Morillo recently made news after he was arrested on a sexual-battery charge on August 6. According to police, a woman accused him of making sexual advances toward her at his home, which she refused, and later raping her last December.

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20:40, 10.09.2020
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