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The Statement of the office of Serzh Sargsyan on the scandalous recording
10:45, 08.12.2020 |
26592 | 0

The Office of the Third President of the Republic of Armenia has received numerous inquiries from mass media representatives about the recording that was broadcast on one of the telegram channels last night. Media outlets wanted to ascertain whether the discussion in the recording corresponds to reality, where and when it took place, and why Third President Serzh Sargsyan has not referred to it until now.
It still remains to be seen how the non-public conversation held during the CSTO Collective Security Council’s narrow-format presidential meeting in Yerevan on October 14, 2016, appeared on the Internet. The Office of the Third President of the Republic of Armenia accepts the publication of the recording as a fact and will refrain from commenting on a closed-door meeting just as it has been the case until now.

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