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Peruvian judges blame Gates and Soros for creating #COVID-19 pandemic
21:20, 12.01.2021 |
8874 | 0

High Court of Appeal Judges Chinchi and Pisco said in their resolution that the COVID-19 pandemic was created by “the criminal elites who dominate the world”, including Bill Gates , George Soros and the Rockefellers.
“The criminal process was paralyzed due to the COVID-19 pandemic created by the criminal elites that dominate the world. It paralyzed activities in almost all countries … Thus, no world government, individuals and legal entities, or the defense of the accused can to argue that this pandemic has the property of “predictability”, with the exception of the creators of the new world order, such as Bill Gates, Soros, Rockefeller and others, who ruled it and continue to lead it in conditions of extreme secrecy in their environment and in global corporations, with an eye to project 2030″, said in the conclusion of the court․

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