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Estonian Prime Minister announced his resignation
11:35, 13.01.2021 |
6178 | 0

Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas announced his desire to resign. He announced this on Wednesday night, January 13, after a meeting of the Board of the Center party. The decision was made due to suspicions of corruption in the party․

“In politics, you have to make very difficult choices to resolve difficult situations. In the current situation, based on my values, I have made the decision to resign as Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia, ”the chairman of the country’s leading ruling party for the media said in a statement.

It is noted that the decision was made after consultations with the board and the faction of the Center Party, as well as with close colleagues. “Various solutions seemed possible, but only one of them is correct,” the message underlines.

Ratas also thanked for the opportunity to be the Prime Minister of Estonia and serve the country for four years, “to help improve the standard of living of Estonia, to strengthen the international image of Estonia.” He noted that “in politics it is necessary to make very difficult choices to deal with difficult situations.” “A politician must be ready for this,” concluded Ratas.

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