Hay / Հայ | Рус | Eng | Tür
USD 402.56, EUR 440.64, RUB 4.58, GBP 505.01
+25 °C, +16 °C ... +32 °C Tomorrow:+34 °C
Flights Saint Petersburg-Yerevan-Saint Petersburg are resumed
15:55, 15.01.2021 |
7581 | 0

Today, on January 15, Russian "Rossiya" Airlines has resumed flights on the route Saint Petersburg -Yerevan- Saint Petersburg.
Flights will be operated once a week, every Friday.
For the availability of air tickets, their acquisition and other details, please contact the airline.
''Armenia'' International Airports'' CJSC

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14:00, 21.01.2021
6374 | 0
20:40, 20.01.2021
6519 | 0
19:30, 20.01.2021
7353 | 0
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