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Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez to perform at diverse Biden inauguration
02:05, 16.01.2021 |
19606 | 0

Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez will take the stage at U.S. President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony in Washington next week alongside others in what his transition team said would showcase a diverse America.

The two will perform at the Jan. 20 event for the incoming 46th U.S. president, which will also feature remarks from a black firefighter from Georgia, a former Youth Poet Laureate, a Catholic priest, and a pastor from Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware.
Lady Gaga will sing the national anthem and Lopez will give a musical performance.
“They represent one clear picture of the grand diversity of our great nation,” his team said in a statement on Thursday.

Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez to perform at diverse Biden inauguration
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