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Rio de Janeiro Carnival 2021 canceled
14:55, 22.01.2021 |
6428 | 0

Rio de Janeiro Mayor Eduardo Paes announced on Thursday the cancellation of this year's carnival due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I have never hidden my passion for Carnival and the clear vision I have of the economic importance this cultural expression has for our city. However, it seems pointless to me to imagine that we will have the conditions to hold Carnival in July," Paes wrote on his Twitter account.

The carnival was originally scheduled for Feb. 13-16, but was postponed to the middle of the year due to the pandemic.

"This celebration requires a great deal of preparation on the part of public organs and the guilds and institutions linked to samba. Something impossible to do at this moment," Paes said.
However, the mayor assured that if mass vaccination against COVID-19 works, in 2022, "we will be able (all properly vaccinated) to celebrate life and our culture with all the intensity we deserve."

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14:55, 22.01.2021
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