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#YouTube extends Trump suspension
11:55, 27.01.2021 |
5709 | 0

Video sharing giant YouTube extended its suspension of former President Donald Trump’s channel indefinitely on Tuesday and restricted Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani’s ability to make money off the platform.
The Google-owned company announced that for the second time in two weeks, it would extend restrictions that block Trump from posting on the platform. The company initially blocked him on Jan. 12 amid fears of additional violence in the wake of the insurrection at the Capitol by Trump’s supporters.
YouTube separately said it will temporarily bar Giuliani from participating in a program that allows him to make money.
Trump has now been permanently booted off Twitter, his signature platform, and faces indefinite suspensions from both Facebook and YouTube, cutting him off from three of the most potent means for communication online.

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11:55, 27.01.2021
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