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David Babayan: For every citizen of Artsakh the Spanish slogan ''No pasaran'' is, in fact, a way of life
12:12, 06.05.2022 |
8032 | 0

Last night I took part and delivered a speech at an online conference dedicated to the Artsakh issues that was held in #Spain.
Deputies of the Congress of Deputies of Spain, including representatives of the #Basque Country and #Catalonia, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of #Armenia to Spain Sos Avetisyan, representatives of the Armenian Diaspora, Spanish journalists partook at the event.
We talked about #Artsakh, the situation in our country and the region. I thanked the deputies of the Spanish Congress for supporting Artsakh, condemning the aggression of #Azerbaijan, #Turkey and international #terrorists against Artsakh in 2020.
I am sure that all normal and sober-minded people are well aware that the #aggression of Azerbaijan, Turkey and international terrorists against Artsakh is aggression against the entire civilized community, and passivity and indifference towards such policy will further ignite the aggressors’ intentions to take much mor active steps against the #civilized world. I also stressed the important role of #Russia and Russian peacekeepers in maintaining peace and security in the zone of the Azerbaijani-#Karabagh conflict.
The meeting was interesting and useful. Such events will be of a periodic nature, which will contribute to a more complete and comprehensive understanding of the Artsakh issue in different countries.
I emphasized that for every citizen of Artsakh the Spanish slogan “No pasaran” is, in fact, a way of life.
The event was organized by Sargis Hakobyan, young Diaspora Ambassador to Spain, chairman of the #Ararat Armenian Union of Catalonia.

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