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7 patients are in the resuscitation unit, 4 of them are in extremely critical condition
13:24, 23.12.2022 |
7933 | 0

Due to the blockade of the only road connecting Artsakh to Armenia by Azerbaijan, scheduled surgeries continue to be suspended in the medical institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Artsakh Republic. 11 children are in the neonatal and resuscitation departments in "Arevik" medical association. Among them, the 4-month-old baby, who was diagnosed with Visceral Leishmaniasis, remains in critical condition and is receiving appropriate treatment. At the Republican Medical Center, 7 patients are in the resuscitation unit, 4 of them are in extremely critical condition. The doctors are doing the utmost to stabilize the condition of the patients. The Artsakh Republic Ministry of Healthcare is taking all possible measures to properly overcome the situation developed in the aftermath of the blockade.

Source: ԱՀ ԱՆ
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