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Russia-Ukraine war live: highest Russian casualties since first week of invasion, UK says; Poland casts doubt over jets to Kyiv
18:30, 12.02.2023 |
12553 | 0

The Russian defence ministry has said it carried out an attack on Kharkiv, after Ukrainian authorities reported a missile attack overnight.

“As a result of high-precision missile attack launched by the Russian aerospace forces at the AFU [armed forces of Ukraine], workshops for assembling armoured vehicles near the Malyshev machine-building plant in Kharkov were hit,” said the Russian defence ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov .

According to the head of the Kharkiv regional administration, Oleg Sinegubov, a 35-year-old local resident received shrapnel wounds as a result of the impact.

The Guardian has not been able to verify these reports.

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15:54, 28.06.2024
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