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The government refuses extradition to Turkey
18:18, 06.04.2023 |
5117 | 0

The case rejected by the government concerns a man in his 50s, who in Turkey is suspected of membership in an “armed terrorist organization”. But the man is a Swedish citizen and therefore cannot be extradited. The government’s rejection was decided during last week’s government meeting. Turkey’s extradition request came last November.

The extradition case granted by the government concerns a man in his 30s who was sentenced in Turkey to just over 13 years in prison for fraud and who was detained in Sweden. The man is a Turkish citizen and the request from Turkey came in August last year. The government grants the extradition after the Supreme Court announced that it found no obstacles to it.

The issue of extraditions has become relevant since Sweden applied for membership in NATO. The Turkish government has on several occasions, among other things, demanded that Sweden hand over a number of people in order to approve Sweden’s application to the defense alliance.

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