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107 million drams from Mikayel Vardanyan to the mothers of children with disabilities in Gegharkunik
10:36, 07.04.2023 |
4707 | 0

357 beneficiary families, who have children with disabilities under the age of 18, are registered in Gegharkunik region. Benefactor Mikael Vardanyan implemented another charitable program in Gegharkunik and on the occasion of April 7, the Maternity and Beauty Day, he provided the financial support of 300 thousand drams to the mothers of all children with disabilities. The total budget of the program was 107 million drams.

107 million drams from Mikayel Vardanyan to the mothers of children with disabilities in Gegharkunik
107 million drams from Mikayel Vardanyan to the mothers of children with disabilities in Gegharkunik
107 million drams from Mikayel Vardanyan to the mothers of children with disabilities in Gegharkunik
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11:55, 27.01.2021
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