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Russian Agents, Who Were Going to Blow up Trains with Aid for Ukraine, Exposed in Poland
18:06, 19.07.2023 |
5377 | 0

Russian agents who were allegedly planning to sabotage trains with weapons and humanitarian aid to Ukraine have been exposed in Poland.

According to Gazeta Polska, citing its sources, the uncovered Russian network, including its 66 case volumes, had plans to sabotage trains carrying weapons and humanitarian aid for Ukraine.

The risk of direct attacks apparently prompted the Polish special services to initiate arrests. "For this reason, the first arrests were made precisely at that time, not any other. The risk of attacks was too significant to continue monitoring the group's actions," shared an anonymous source familiar with the case materials.

Journalists also learned that the intelligence network was relatively "fresh" as it was created in early 2023.

The agents reportedly were instructed directly from Moscow and were compensated mainly in cryptocurrencies for executing assigned tasks.

This exposed network is currently considered the largest of its kind in modern Polish history.

In March, Poland announced the liquidation of a spy network operating in favour of Russia. Nine individuals were initially arrested as part of the operation, later increasing to 15. Among them were citizens of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, according to media reports.

The fifteenth individual arrested was a professional Russian hockey player.

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