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Morocco earthquake latest updates: Death toll rises to nearly 2,500
17:18, 11.09.2023 |
5476 | 0

The toll from a devastating earthquake that swept Morocco has grown, with at least 2,497 people killed and 2,476 injured, the country’s Interior Ministry said Monday. Rabat has accepted search-and-rescue assistance from Spain, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and the United Kingdom, as authorities and aid groups continue to look for survivors of the 6.8-magnitude quake that destroyed homes and shattered lives throughout the High Atlas Mountains.

Morocco earthquake latest updates: Death toll rises to nearly 2,500
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11:18, 15.09.2023
5473 | 0
12:24, 14.09.2023
4763 | 0
15:54, 28.06.2024
1325 | 0
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