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A concert Dedicated to the Memory of the Victims of the Armenian Genocide in The Hague
00:24, 20.04.2024 |
1508 | 0

Concert dedicated to the 109th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was held in The Hague.
Ambassador Viktor Biyagov underlined that if the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide were punished and their atrocities condemned, other atrocities of the 20th century, and later, the ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh, could have been avoided. The Ambassador noted that even though genocide is committed against a certain group of people it affects not only the representatives of the group but the whole humanity and therefore universal efforts are needed to fight against genocide.
The evening was followed by the performances of the "Tsirani Tsar" choir, opera singer Ms. Milena Beglaryan from Artsakh, and the students of the Abovyan Cultural Association.

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