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2.5 million people live in Armenia. Arthur Baghdasaryan
10:26, 10.11.2011 |
7436 | 0
''Zhoghovurd'': Armenian National Security Council Secretary and ruling coalition’s Rule of Law Party (RLP) Chairman, Arthur Baghdasaryan, had stated in Brussels that from around 7 million Armenians living in the world today, 1 million lives in Europe, 2.5 million, in Russia, and more than 1 million, in US, Zhoghovurd daily writes.
“These numbers are fairly dubious because when 4.5 (the number of Armenians in Russia, Europe, and US) is subtracted from 7, we receive 2.5. That is, as per Arthur Baghdasaryan, 2.5 million people live in Armenia. Meanwhile according to official statistics, Armenia’s population is 3.2 million. Did Baghdasaryan make a mistake, or did he deliberately publicize the real number?...Yesterday [Wednesday] Zhoghovurd tried to clarify as to when Baghdasaryan said ‘in the world’ whether he meant Armenia as well. RLP Press Secretary Susanna Abrahamyan informed that Baghdasaryan meant ‘without Armenia, that is, the Armenians living in the entire world,’ which means Armenia is not a part of the entire world: the Planet Earth,” Zhoghovurd writes.
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