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The threat of war persists across Europe - Steinmeier - 15.01.2015 NEWS
13:05, 15.01.2015 |
5595 | 0
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier believes that the threat of war in Europe because of the conflict over Ukraine retained. "The danger posed by this conflict is not resolved," - he warned in an interview with the newspaper Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, released on Thursday, January 15th.

The Minister expressed concern about the possibility of a new escalation of the armed conflict in Ukraine.

He noted that the situation can be discharged only if Russia and Ukraine will be truly interested in establishing a lasting truce. "Both sides need to understand that a military solution to the conflict can not be", - said Steinmeier.

He added that, therefore, the German government will do everything possible to "prevent the recurrence of a new large-scale armed confrontation."

Progress will only slow

Frank-Walter Steinmeier expressed the view that due to the large number of outstanding issues rapid progress in resolving the crisis in Ukraine can not be.

"The problem is that we have to simultaneously talk on the demarcation of the ceasefire line, on the withdrawal of heavy weapons and foreign fighters, access to humanitarian assistance and the exchange of prisoners - and all this in a situation where the situation of people in eastern Ukraine daily deteriorating due winter ", - said the Minister.

He pointed out that, therefore, "progress will be achieved only in small steps." It is "an incredibly tangled mess," - said the head of the German Foreign Ministry.
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