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Kobzon told that gave Putin map of the 19th century with the Russian Crimea
15:38, 18.01.2015 |
7107 | 2
Kobzon told that gave Putin map of the 19th century with the Russian Crimea " src="" alt="Kobzon told that gave Putin map of the 19th century with the Russian Crimea " align="left" border="1" hspace="5" />

Political map of 1804, which Crimea is depicted from the Russian Empire, Iosif Kobzon gave centuries Putin.

" Once in Austria entered into an antique shop and saw the map, dated 1804 year, where very clearly marked in the Crimea from Russia. I have this map gave Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, "said Kobzon correspondents in Sevastopol, where he performed a concert in front of the soldiers of the detachment of special forces" Berkut ".

Kobzon said that he brought the initiative to the President "show this map, more than 200 years" to anyone interested in the status of Crimea.

singer said that in the near future wants to get back in the Donbass, and at present forms of humanitarian assistance to the region. Kobzon said that proposes to remove from the Donbass children and women. He fears that in the present Ukrainian authorities in the South-East is Preparing a " new massacre ".

" Send this to children, children die, get sick, suffer. It is our children, No other children. I will go (Donbass), despite the fact that there happens. Preparing currently the massacre there. If it does Not stop, It will be a tragedy. God forbid that it does Not outgrown its scale is larger than the area of Ukraine ", - said Kobzon.

singer believes that what is happening in Ukraine - the tragedy and the civil war, the cause of which was the promotion of Ukrainian authorities. The new Ukrainian leadership, says Kobzon says in the population the idea that " war is Not with the Donbass, and with the Russians, Russia. But with Russia I would Not recommend to fight "

Kobzon also clarified that he had Not wanted the title of people's artist of Ukraine, But unwilling to abandon the titles given to him in Gorlovka, Slavyansk, Ukraine and Donetsk.

"I didn't want from the title of people's artist of Ukraine, But Not willing to abandon the titles that I gave to my Homeland in Gorlovka, Slavyansk, Makeyevka, Donetsk, Kramatorsk," said singer. According to Kobzon, He is an honorary citizen of 18 Ukrainian cities and it does Not bother that " Kolomoisky (the current Governor) has deprived me this honorary title in Dnepropetrovsk, where I studied and lived."

Ukraine Iosif Kobzon deprived of the title of honorary citizen of the cities of Dnipropetrovsk and Poltava.

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