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The European Parliament tried to convince to take fresh sanctions against Russia
16:13, 15.01.2015 |
5322 | 1
The European Parliament has asked the European Council to adopt the punishment is relatively Russia in the nuclear and financial sectors in the absence of progress in the settlement of the Ukrainian fall.
the Thursday session EP decisions on provisions in Ukraine MEPs recommend to distribute punishment " on power sector ", and " to limit the ability of Russian organizations to conduct international financial transactions, reports TASS. First the wall Street Journal reported that the European Union is ready to mitigate the punishment concerning Russia and not fully normalize relations with Moscow in case of change of its position on the situation in Ukraine. In support of the lifting of sanctions against Russia are Austria, Hungary, Italy, Cyprus, Slovakia, France and the Czech Republic. However, the European diplomatic source close to the Council of the EU, head of the foreign Ministry of the 28 countries of the brotherhood will not take any decisions on sanctions concerning Russia on his first this year, meeting on 19 January in Brussels. The EU commissioners have stated that in the case of progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements on the settlement of the Ukrainian fall of the European Union would seriously consider removing punishment from Russia. For his part, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia S. Lavrov Century, said that Moscow is interested in full cooperation with Brussels and nourishes the hope of removing artificial restrictions in relations with the European Union. He also emphasized the ambassadors of the EU countries on the need to reduce the tension in relations between Moscow and Brussels, appearing amid the Ukrainian fall.
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