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Obama has extended sanctions against Iran for a year
12:00, 04.11.2016 |
6023 | 0

Economic measures have been in force since 1979.
US President Barack Obama for a year extended the sanctions against Iran. As reported on the website of the White house, we are talking about the sanctions imposed against Iran in 1979 after during the Islamic revolution 50 American diplomats were in Iranian captivity.
“Our relations with Iran have not yet returned to normal, and the process of implementing the agreements with Iran, dated January 19, 1981, is still ongoing. For this reason, a state of emergency in the country declared November 14, 1979, should remain in force,” — said in the document.
Despite the extension, the United States is gradually lifts some sanctions on Iran. In January 2016 with the country were created by the international economic measures. Autumn Washington has allowed the companies, in particular aircraft, to do business in this country.

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