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Joint action plan evolved to enhance exports with azerbaijan
13:40, 04.11.2016 |
5342 | 0

The Commerce and Defence Production Ministries have developed a joint action plan to enhance exports to 500 million dollars with Azerbaijan.

This decision was made at a meeting of Inter-Ministerial Working Group jointly chaired by Commerce Minister Khurram Dastgir and Minister for Defense Production Rana Tanveer Hussain in Islamabad on Wednesday.

The meeting also decided that under the action plan, the Commerce Minister for Commerce will lead a delegation to Azerbaijan later this month.

Addressing the meeting Khurram Dastgir said that we have prepared a Five Years Trade Cooperation Plan to increase the bilateral trade to US$ 500 million and for diversification of export sectors. He said the plan envisages of enhanced market access to Azerbaijan through the preferential trading arrangement.

Rana Tanveer Hussain said that Azerbaijan is more inclined towards Pakistan to import defense-related products, technology, and technical training.

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