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Trump says Yemen bus attack was due to bombers not using weapon properly
12:05, 05.11.2018 |
7873 | 1

Donald Trump has said the air attack on a school bus in Yemen by Saudi-led Coalition forces using a US bomb in August was the result of the bombers not knowing how to use the weapon properly.

At least 51 people died in the attack, including 40 children, most of them aged between six and 11.

The attack highlighted the use of US arms by the Saudi-led coalition in the country, which is fighting the Iran-backed Houthis.

Asked in an interview with Axios on Sunday night if he was bothered by the Saudi-led coalition using US bombs to kill civilians, Trump called the attack a “horror show” and said “Bother’s not strong enough”.

But he said ultimately the attack was down to user error.

“That was basically people that didn’t know how to use the weapon, which is horrible,” he said. “I’ll be talking about a lot of things with the Saudis, but certainly I wouldn’t be having people that don’t know how to use the weapons shooting at buses with children.”

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