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Kim Kardashian hopes to become lawyer in 2022 after four-year apprenticeship
10:45, 13.04.2019 |
5922 | 0

Armenian American Congresswoman Jackie Speier has called on Armenian Americans to tweet to Kim Kardashian West to press Donald J. Trump to properly condemn and commemorate the Armenian Genocide, reports the Armenian National Committee of America.

“I think that within our Diaspora we have a secret weapon to get him [U.S. President Donald Trump] recognize the Armenian Genocide,” Spier said at the Capitol Hill Observation of the Armenian Genocide.

“I think we all should tweet to Kim Kardashian and ask her – seriously – to ask her to join us in getting the President to take that action.”

Kim says choosing to pick up a new career was something she had to think "long and hard" about but that she knew she always wanted to "do more".

"It's never one person who gets things done; it's always a collective of people, and I've always known my role, but I just felt like I wanted to be able to fight for people who have paid their dues to society," she says.

"I just felt like the system could be so different, and I wanted to fight to fix it, and if I knew more, I could do more."

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