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Messi: 'I didn’t collect my medal because we shouldn’t be part of corruption'
14:10, 07.07.2019 |
10233 | 0

Lionel Messi gives his first interview after being wrongly sent off during the Copa America third-place playoff match. He explains his decision not to collect his medal as Argentina beat Chile 2-1. The Barcelona No.10 once again hits out at the 'corrupted' Copa officials, echoing his previous statement earlier this week.
That's what he says, as quoted by Goal: "I didn’t collect my medal because we shouldn’t be part of corruption. I don’t have doubts that Brazil will become champions. Everything is set up for them. They didn't want us to reach the final."
"I think they gave me a red card because of my previous words about this Copa America edition. I always tell the truth, it makes me calm."

In case you have forgotten, Messi was sensationally sent off in the middle of the Saturday evening's third-place playoff match between Chile and Argentina. All the pictures prove he did nothing wrong and was punched several times by Gary Medel.
After Wednesday morning's Argentina's 2-0 semi-final defeat at the hands of Brazil, Messi accused the referees of being biased to the hosts of the tournament: "We saw many shitty and nonsensical handballs and fouls being called. But today, against Brazil, we didn't get the calls we deserved. CONMEBOL should look into this, but I doubt they will."

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