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Recognition of the Republic of Artsakh’s independence is a must for lasting regional peace: Masis Mayilyan
00:05, 16.10.2020 |
8074 | 0

The Foreign Minister of Artsakh Masis Mayilyan wrote on his Facebook page: "I am glad Secretary Pompeo reiterated our shared vision that the resolution of Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict is possible exclusively through peaceful negotiations. It is important to make sure Turkey stops pushing Azerbaijan and international terrorists to continue inhuman aggression against our democracy.
We share Secretary Pompeo’s hope that Armenians will be able to defend against what Azerbaijanis are doing. At the same time, we expect the international community to play its active constructive role in order to stop crimes against humanity and genocidal threats by the triple unity of Turkey, Azerbaijan and international terrorists. Recognition of the Republic of Artsakh’s independence is a must for lasting regional peace".

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