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Tankian: ''We are fairly confident that Biden is going to formally recognize the Genocide''
12:24, 15.04.2021 |
8267 | 0

Learning about his grandparent’s Armenian background in his early teens prompted Serj Tankian him, the frontman of heavy metal band System of a Down to become an activist, he said.

''All four of my grandparents were survivors of the Armenian genocide… as I was getting into my early teens I started asking questions. About their family where they came from, … And that became the conduit for me to become an activist.''

He told BBC Hardtalk that it was a huge ''learning experience for me as to what transpired to my people'' in the last days of Ottoman Empire.

The mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks during World War One remains a highly sensitive issue.

"I think we are fairly confident that Biden is going to formally recognize the Genocide," Tankian said.

''It’s supremely important for the UK Parliament to properly and formally recognize the Armenian Genocide''․

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