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Margaret Thatcher funeral: live coverage
14:44, 17.04.2013 |
5818 | 0

As the funeral moves on at St Paul's with Psalm 84, set to music from Ein Deutsches Requiem by Brahms, protests continue outside. Michael Deacon has spoken to a man protesting with a large yellow smiley face sign.

"It's an expression," he said defiantly, continuing to hold the smiley face aloft through the scrum as mourners tutted. "An expression of my democratic views." Others in the crowd weren't slow to express their own democratic views to him: one man, he said, had threatened to throw him in the Thames. "But he was a skinhead, so I don't care what he thinks."

For some reason, the protester did not wish to have his "democratic views" published in a national newspaper, and refused to give me his name.

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