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Robert Kocharyan would not interfere in the parliamentary elections
09:59, 16.12.2011 |
10228 | 0
''Zhoghovurd'': Circles close to Armenia's ex-president Robert Kocharyan informed the newspaper that Mr. Kocharyan and Armenia's incumbent leader Serzh Sargsyan had a meeting recently at the former's home.
The ex-president told the incumbent leader that he would not interfere in the parliamentary elections provided the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) got a clear parliamentary majority.
"If Serzh Sargsyan fails to secure a clear parliamentary majority by means of the RPA alone, Mr. Kocharyan will return to big politics and run for presidency.
"Moreover, he urged Serzh Sargsyan to resign if he suffered defeat. The truth in the rumors is difficult to establish - Kocharyan's team is spreading them," the newspaper writes.
"They make a pair," the newspaper adds.
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