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Irina Shayk was 'too busy' to join Cristiano Ronaldo at Ballon d'Or, insist PR company as talk of split with Real Madrid star swells
19:15, 15.01.2015 |
15303 | 0

Irina Shayk was not on hand to see her partner Cristiano Ronaldo collect his third Ballon d'Or in Zurich on Monday - causing an eruption of rumours that the couple had split up.

The flames were fanned when it was highlighted that Shayk was not following Ronaldo on Twitter, with some saying she had 'unfollowed' him.

Shayk's PR company have finally responded to the claims and explained that her absence was due to work commitments.

Her New York based representatives told that the Ballon d'Or 'didn't fit in with her schedule - it (her absence) was because of work commitments. We have no further comment to make.'

Shayk's Instagram page has been inundated with questions from fans of the couple asking if they have parted.

But she has remained silent, and her last post came four days ago during a holiday in the Maldives.

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