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Mutant daisies reportedly grow near Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan
18:18, 23.07.2015 |
17928 | 0

FOUR years after Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, weird things have been happening in neighbouring areas. The latest is the mutant daisy.

The images of deformed daisies have emerged on social media after Twitter user @san_kaido posted a photo of the mutated yellow and white flowers last month. They were found in Nasushiobara City, around 110 kilometres from the Fukushima plant, the site of the 2011 nuclear meltdown.

San Kaido posted the images with the following words: “The right one grew up, split into 2 stems to have two flowers connected each other, having four stems of flower tied beltlike,” according to Fukushima Diary.

“The left one has four stems grew up to be tied to each other and it had the ring-shaped flower. The atmospheric dose is 0.5 μSv/h at 1m above the ground.”

Since the nuclear plant meltdown, locals have reportedly spotted other deformed vegetables and fruit which also appeared to be affected by the high radiation levels found in the groundwater near the plant. A rabbit that was born without ears was also discovered in the radiation zone.

The deformed animals and plants come as thousands of men are working in Japan’s muggy early summer in a vast effort to scrub radiation from the villages around Fukushima.

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