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341 mph, new world speed record for an electric vehicle
02:00, 27.09.2016 |
8136 | 0

341 mph, new world speed record for an electric vehicle (pending FIA decision).
Venturi and its partner the Center For Automotive Research (Ohio State University) push new electric limits.

The Venturi VBB-3 established two new FIA world speed records for an electric vehicle : 341.4 miles per hour (549.43kph)
The car also set a top speed record : 358 mph (576 kph)
The performance took place on the Bonneville salt flats (Utah, USA) under the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) regulation. Timing has been done on 1 mile ran in both directions at one hour intervals.

With Roger Schroer (from the Transportation Research Center TRC, Ohio) behind the wheel, this is the 5th time in their history that Venturi reached with the Center For Automotive Research (The Ohio State University) this level of performance. In 2009 the Monaco powertrain manufacturer clinched the FIA world speed record for a fuel cell car (303mph/487kph). In 2010 the Venturi VBB-2.5 realized the FIA world speed record for an electric vehicle (307mph/495kph), and in 2014 and 2015 two new category records.
« I each time enjoyed driving the car and achieving this performance. But at those speeds you have to focus on your task not on your emotions. I know we can go further. This week the track was good. No main vehicle instability. Much better than the last days during tuning and testing. We always have to be patient and wait for the track to be ready.» said Roger.

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