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There was a video of the shelling of the Russian helicopters in Syria
12:50, 04.11.2016 |
13532 | 0

here was a video of the shelling of the Russian helicopters in Syria, photo Twitter
There was a video of the shelling of the Russian helicopters in Syria (video)
In the explanatory video indicated that the helicopter was destroyed in the East of HOMS province
In the Internet appeared the video, signed as a shooting attack on a Russian helicopter in Syria. The material published on Friday, November 4 in Twitter account WarNews24_7 that specializiruetsya on the news of the “hot spots”.
The footage shows how one helicopter is on the ground, the other takes off. At this moment the first missile hits the helicopter. After the explosion starts a fire, from the burning helicopter comes thick black smoke.
The Russian Attack Helicopter that was destroyed by #IS fighters using guided missile near the Huwaysis area, Eastern countryside of Homs!
— KhalilMENA (@WarNews24_7) November 3, 2016
In the explanatory video indicated that the helicopter was destroyed in the Eastern province of HOMS, the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” with the help of the guided missile.
Earlier it was reported that on Thursday, November 3, at performance of planned flight to deliver humanitarian aid in one of the towns in the neighbouring province of Hama HOMS, 40 kilometers North-West of Palmyra helicopter made an emergency landing.
During the inspection of the helicopter on the ground, the landing area was subjected to mortar fire from militants. The car was damaged, not allowing yourself to return to the home airfield. The crew was not injured and was promptly delivered a search and rescue helicopter to the base Hamim.

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